
This is the project webpage for MigSim, a tool for simulating cloud database database migration. MigSim consumes KDM and SMM models which can be obtained using DBLModeller. It is an extension of the CloudSim discrete-event simulation framework.

Getting Started

MigSim is packaged as JAR file which can be downloaded from here, the source code is also on GitHub. Java 8 or higher must be installed. It has been tested on Ubuntu (Windows should also be supported) and can be executed with:

A file called params.config must be in the same directory as the JAR file. This file specifies the location of the requried structure (KDM), workload (SMM), and cost models. It is also used to specifiy several key paramters (e.g., database performance and chosen cloud instance type). An example can be downloaded from here.

Research Data

We have used a series of models with MigSim during our research. These are available below:

The Science Warehouse models are considered commercially sensitive and have not been released.